An experienced public speaker usually begins by arousing the audience's curiosity. 经验丰富的演讲者大都在一开场就极力唤起听众的好奇心。
She isn't a practiced public speaker, but she faced her audience as if to the manner born. 她虽无演讲经验,但似乎生来并不怯场。
Steve Jobs has never been a particularly good public speaker himself. 不过,史蒂夫•乔布斯本身也不是一位多么出色的公众演说者。
If a public speaker ( like a professor, for example) is all the time fiddling with a pencil, or with his glasses, while he is talking to you, he is telling you quite clearly that he is nervous. 如果一位公开演讲的人,在给你们作报告时,他老是在摆弄一支铅笔或者是摆弄他的眼镜,那么,他这是很清楚告诉你,他心情很紧张。
An eloquent and skilled public speaker. 演讲家以技巧、雄辩见长的演讲家。
One Breath English speeches will train you to become a great public speaker. 将训练你,如何成为优秀的公众演说家。
A public speaker needs a voice that carries. 演说家要有洪亮嗓音。
I would overcome my fear and become a proficient public speaker. 我要克服恐惧,成为演讲能手。
My reason for joining was simple: I wanted to become a better public speaker for those life events that require it. 我参加的理由很简单:我希望成为人生场合所需,较好的公众演讲家。
The scientist and the scholar try to avoid them; for the poet, the advertising writer, the public speaker, they are standard equipment. 科学家和学者试图避免这些词;而对于诗人,广告人,公共演讲者,这些词标准的装备。
He was at first a total failure as a public speaker. 当初他作为一个演说家,是完全失败的。
As I put this theory to the failed public speaker he looked at me uncomprehendingly. 当我把这套理论讲给这位失败的公开演讲者时,他不解地看着我。
I know: this sounds like so much motivational public speaker mumbo jumbo. 我知道,这听着像煽情演说家骗人的鬼话。
Twain's success as an author, public speaker, husband and father, was not reflected in his choice of business investments. 马克吐温是个出色的作家和演说家,也是个好丈夫和好父亲,但是他在经营商业上却一事无成。
And you also gain a lot of confidence as a public speaker in any given speech by being fully prepared. 如果你做好充分准备,你也可以在任何演讲中获得很多自信。
A stand for holding the notes of a public speaker; a lectern. 讲台供演说者放笔记的台子;讲台。
Today, they are planning for a game, inviting a public speaker and lots of guests to their space, hoping to express their thoughts and fulfill their dreams among the guests. 这一天,它们一同编制一场游戏,邀请了一位演说家和许多的客人,希望能在众多的宾客中发表自己的想法与完成自己的梦想。
A public speaker trained in voice production and gesture and delivery. 在声音、姿势和表达方面经过训练的公开演讲者。
He's a rather dull public speaker. 他是个非常枯燥的演说者。
She is a confident and self-plssessed public speaker. 她是个公众场合下自信、神态自若的演讲者。
She's a very impressive public speaker. 她是个十分不同凡响的演说家。
He's a very good public speaker because he knows how to get an audience on his side. 他是一个出色的演说家,因为他知道怎样把听众吸引过来。
A good public speaker knows how to use effective gestures and maintain an appropriate posture while speaking to an audience. 一个优秀的公共演说家知道在演讲的过程中如何有效地使用手势和姿势。
She's always been a very fluent public speaker. 她一直就是一个能说会道的公众演说家。
He is a supremely confident public speaker who is close to Dennis Hastert of Illinois, the House of Representatives speaker. 他是一位超级自信的公开演讲者,与众议院议长、来自伊利诺伊州的丹尼斯•哈斯特(DennisHastert)关系密切。
He is unbelievable public speaker. 他是一个伟大的演讲家。
On your behalf I have been trawling the web looking for good advice, and the only effect this has had on me is to shake my own hard-won confidence as a public speaker. 我替你在网上搜罗了一些好的建议,但这么做对我产生的唯一效果,就是动摇了我自己作为公共演讲者来之不易的信心。
Are you interested in becoming a better "public speaker" or improving your "public speaking skills"? 想成为一个更棒的“公众演讲者”吗?对提高你的“公众演讲技巧”感兴趣吗?
Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。
Praised by one of the students as a "veteran and accomplished public speaker," Biden responded by telling the group that his ability to communicate clearly has not been without challenges. 当有一位学生称赞他是“老资格的极有造诣的演说家”时,他说自己获得了清晰表达的能力,并非未曾遇到过挑战。